Agriculture HND: Agro-Pastoral Advisor - Bonamoussadi Douala

Publié par St LOUIS UNIVERSITY - Higher Institute Of Engineer - Particulier

01 Oct 2021 - 09:27

Douala, Cameroun, CM

This specialty trains specialists in agro-pastoral consultancy whose main mission is to support agro-pastoralists individually or in organizations in the implementation of their production and community development activities with a view to improving their framework and condition. of life by constantly adapting to changes in the socio-economic and professional environment

- Promoter / owner of a family farm;
- Manager-employee of agro-pastoral SMEs / VSEs;
- Agent of a producer organization;
- Civil service (MINADER, MINEPIA, MINPMEESA, MINFOF, etc.);
- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Programs;
- Audit-advice of farms and agro-pastoral companies.

Admission requirement
Have the Baccalaureate or any other equivalent diploma.
Basic diploma: Baccalaureate A, B, C, D, E, F, CG, ACC, ACA;
✔N'oubliez pas de mentionner AFRIBOBO lors de votre appel !

Référence: CM-A87384 computer

Formations - Cours - Éducation Etudes supérieures & Grandes écoles

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